Tell us about your new book? What’s it about and why did you write it?
The Soul of the World is the second book of the Legends of Amun Ra universe. It continues where book one, The Emerald Tablet, left off. Soul is about Leoros’ struggling to deal with his emotions after the end of The Emerald Tablet. It’s also about the other survivors, who must face the consequences of their actions.
How much research was involved on Ancient Greece and Egyptian Mythology?
I've always read a lot of history, given that it has been a huge hobby
of mine. But I became much more involved when I started writing the
series. You have a certain amount of freedom as a writer, but that
doesn't mean you can write whatever you want. It has to make sense for
not just the story itself, but the world you are creating. I probably
ended up reading about 20 books or more for research. I use about 3-5
consistently for reference. Those 5 books are right next to my bed at
all times full of notes, highlights, and page markers.
What is hardest – getting published, writing or marketing?
kind of joke that if you can’t write a novel, then you shouldn’t be an
author (assuming you want to write for a profession and not a hobby). To
me, the writing is the easiest part – it only gets more difficult from
there. Getting a publisher is ten times harder than writing your
manuscript. Selling your book is ten times harder still. One only needs
to go to a used bookstore to see how many authors got published but
failed to sell. You don’t see the best books on used bookshelves.
What marketing works for you?
Facebook and conventions. I meet so many people at shows that the face-to-face interaction is invaluable.
How do you feel about social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter? Are they a good thing?
I don’t think Twitter is all it’s cracked up to be. It’s become a
‘follow me and I’ll follow you’ platform where authors spam their books
more than convey meaningful information.
It is vital to get exposure and target the right readers for your writing, tell us about your marketing campaign?
do a fair amount of social media. I’ve done TV and radio interviews.
But, because we’re in science-fiction and fantasy genre, I go to a lot
of comic book conventions (even though a lot of them don’t read
non-illustrated books by definition).
How often do you write? And when do you write?
aim for 1,000 words per day. But sometimes, with a busy schedule and
lots of traveling, I don’t always hit that quota. So I have a 1,000
words per day or 7,000 words per week rule. If I miss a day (or four), I
have to make up those words on the weekend.
How did you develop your writing?
As uncomplicated as it sounds, I read a lot and I wrote a lot. That’s the only real way to do it.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
Mostly historical events or myths.
Have you met any people in the industry who have really helped you?
tons of people. Networking is very important. Sometimes, the best
information is a closely guarded secret and you have to know the right
people to find the right deals.
How do you think people perceive writers?
Probably that we lounge around all day in our pajamas when really we’re stressing over not having a clever enough idea, writer’s block, or even finding time to write in the first place.
How do you feel about self-publishing?
I think for the most part, self-published authors tend to sacrifice quality for cost. They don’t think spending a few thousand dollars on a good editor is worth it, hoping their friend, who was an English major, is good enough. Or they buy stock photo images for their book covers instead of something custom. It’s one of the reasons self-published authors rarely make more than $500 a year by selling their books. On the other hand, if you want to publish your book just to say you’ve published something and not try to make it a career or business, then self-publishing is a great, cost effective way to accomplish that.
The ancient powers lost to Potara have returned. The Brotherhood of the Black Rose rises to bring Thoth into disorder. And, while the Brotherhood reclaims their power, chaos reigns among the survivors. Six individuals have emerged from the aftermath struggling for control over their lives and a divided land. Kem and Shirin, who abolished the five thousand year reign of the Amun Priests, rule from the golden throne of the Oracle’s Chair in the Hall of the Nine. Dio and Axios struggle to piece together a resistance worthy to challenge the ancient magic which resides in the Great Temple of Amun, and Leoros and Atlantia try to remain true to their hearts and their cause despite tragedy.
But when the Book of Breathings is discovered, the path to immortality is revealed. Leoros and Kem race to capture the Soul of the World unaware of the challenges awaiting them. This time, the gods themselves will intervene.
In a tale where boys become men and girls become women, where treachery and deception are around every corner, and where primeval mysticism finds its way back from the grave, victory is reserved for neither the good nor the evil, but the powerful.
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Genre – Science fiction, Fantasy
Rating – PG-13+
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