Broken Pieces

Author Interview – Ramz Artso @RamzArtso

Image of Ramzan Artsikaev

Who do you admire?

I admire billionaires. Not because of their money, though, but because of the charitable causes they promote. Take Michael Bloomberg, for instance. That man is an extremely avid philanthropist, and I respect him immensely for that.

What is your favorite quality about yourself?


What is your favorite food?

Junk food. I love anything spicy, too. And, although it’s not exactly relevant, I love Red Bull and Powerade. The former more than the latter.

What is your least favorite quality about yourself?

Rare episodes of stupidity.

What is your favorite quote, by whom, and why?

I love Einstein’s quote about imagination being more important than knowledge. I like it because it’s true and sort of inspiring.


Peter Simmons thinks he is an ordinary boy, before he is abducted by a man with certain special abilities, learns of his inescapable destiny, befriends immortals and becomes famous wordlwide. Why? Because Peter Simmons is mankind’s last hope for survival.

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Genre – Young-adult, Action and Adventure, Coming of Age, Sci-fi

Rating – PG-13

More details about the author and the book

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