With the shield of my pen name and anonymous feeling it brings, I love to share my erotic poetry. After I had shared some of my erotic poetry with close friends and saw their reaction, I realized I might have something I need to share. If there was any doubt, these same friends convinced me that no matter what it took I needed to get my poetry out to a world starved for sensuality and a way to express it.
I am extremely happy that I have begun this journey. It has been so rewarding to hear from people who have felt compelled to let me know how my poems have affected their lives and more specifically their love lives. I am thrilled that I overcame any hesitancy to share my erotic poetry. This has been a most amazing adventure.
How do you deal with writer’s block?
The way I deal with writer’s block these days is by going into Twitter, finding a seductive photo and then let the words flow to me. From the tidbit of my tweet I am able to expand into a full poem. It seems like once I push back past the block an avalanche of words will follow.
Is Clarissa O. Clemens your real name?
No, Clarissa is not my real name. I chose it while taking my nightly walk in the green space next to my home. I needed to have a pen name to keep our privacy. Going public with my poetry made me a little nervous with its subject matter being so sexual. I thought it would be best to have an alias and for the first year or so I didn’t even post a picture of myself online. I wanted to have a name that lent itself to sensuality and yet had a literary feel to it – Clarissa O. Clemens was the name that popped into my head and now I even answer to it.
How do you come up with the title of your books?
The titles to my books come to me the same way both my pen name and my poetry does – they just kind of fall into my head and a light bulb goes off. I share the idea with friends to see what they think and then it’s a done deal.
Who designs the covers of your books?
The first volume of my erotic poetry series, The Poetic Art of Seduction was designed by a staff member at Createspace (the print-on-demand subsidiary for self publishing on Amazon). It was exactly how I envisioned the cover to be and she captured it perfectly in that seductive image. I use that image for my avatar in social networks and it has become my brand image for marketing purposes. In the subsequent volumes, I decided to play off the same theme and was able to design the covers for all my other 5 books. I taught myself how to use Adobe Photoshop Elements and very much enjoy the visually artistic outlet I get to explore putting together book covers.
What was the hardest part of writing and putting together this book?
Writing the poems is the easy part. Once I get the first few lines, the rest flows out with a little coaxing and with the rhyming website open to stimulate ideas. When I envisioned my books in my mind’s eye way back when, I visualized scattered photos interspersed amongst the poems in tasteful black and whites to give sensual depictions and interpretations of the words of my poems.
The hardest, or at least the most time-consuming part, of putting together my books of poetry has been sourcing the image that I see inside my mind on the photo stock websites. I find myself looking through probably 100’s if not 1000’s of pictures by the time I find all the ones I want. I am also kind of a perfectionist and will not give up to I find what I am looking for. By the time I finish putting together my books for publishing, I am so tired of looking at photos, lol.
Will you write others in this same genre?
I foresee myself writing endless odes to my passion for the sensual world. It gives me so much pleasure and satisfaction composing erotic gems. You will definitely be reading many more poems and erotic works from Clarissa O. Clemens 

Have you included a lot of your life experiences in your poems?
Yes, I have. Many a moment floating in that space with the afterglow freshly settling over my being, I find myself composing in my head based on what has just transpired. I am so very fortunate that I met a Man who is my playmate in the sensual world. He is the Dominant to the submissive part of me. Way before the 50 Shades phenomenon hit mainstream I was exploring this side of myself. Many of my poems and future stories touch on my real life experiences in this sexual arena. Additionally, all of the poems in my other series, The Poetic Diary of Love and Change, were written from the depths of my soul after separating and divorcing my ex-husband. There are also several poems written more recently during the natural ebbs and flows of even the healthiest of relationships.
What are your goals as a writer?
My goals are to continue letting the poetry flow and herd them into books for the reading public to consume. I have several short stories that have been brewing inside my head for a while now and I am excited about releasing them in a book later this year. I foresee, a never-ending stream of consciousness played out in prose feeding and populating many books to come. Creating is my goal. My hope is that my popularity will continue to grow and I will be able to reach more and more imaginations along the way.
What dreams have been realized as a result of your writing?
One of the greatest things a person can do for themselves in their lives is to set goals. Without goals, you are just a ship floating at sea at the whim of the current. After I separated from my ex-husband, I needed to figure out how I was going to proceed. I had been a stay-at-home mom for several years and had never finished my college education. I realized that it was going to be up to me to be the financially stable parent to take care of our 2 daughters and also I wanted to be a great role model for my girls so that they knew the importance of being self-reliant.
After looking through the classified section for job opportunities, it became clear that I needed a college degree to get a good paying job to take care of my responsibilities. My first goal was to go back to college and get a bachelors degree in an area that I would always be able to find a job. 5 years later I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in accounting and had moved up in my place of employment to become a department manager earning an income that was sufficient to take care of all of our needs. The other goal I set up for myself was that after I had earned my degree, I would find a way to publish my prolific backlog of poetry.
Because of my goal setting, I have reached a place in my life where I feel accomplished and fulfilled. My goals have been obtained and I continue to set new goals to reach charting the path for my future successes.
What or who has influenced your writing style the most?
I would say that listening to the lyrics in the songs of musicians that I’ve admired through the years has been my biggest influence for my writing style. If you read my poetry, you will feel a strong sense of rhythm and syncopation throughout the poems. I have often thought of my poetry as songs without music. Had I been more talented musically, I probably would have ended up putting my words to music and tried my success at being a musician.

A collection of all 3 volumes of Clarissa O. Clemens’ erotic poetry book series, The Poetic Art of Seduction, under 1 cover!
An erotic gift of lyrical rhyme to keep on every bedroom nightstand for play. Kinky yet classy erotic poetry painting sexy pictures and scenes with seductive words to read to each other and get the mood soaked in seduction.
What critics have said about Clarissa’s poetry:
“…A delicious dance with words…”
“Impossible not to be aroused…”
“…mouth-watering feast of erotic rhyme…”
“…her words ebb and flow with a superb sensuousness.”
“5 Stars is just not enough for this exquisite work of erotic art”
78 Passionate poems of seduction are waiting for you to be devoured with lust and desire.
41Beautifully sensuous photographs have been included to heighten your visual experience with Ms. Clemens poetry.
A must-have for every couple looking for new ways to add the spark back into their flame.
An erotic gift of lyrical rhyme to keep on every bedroom nightstand for play. Kinky yet classy erotic poetry painting sexy pictures and scenes with seductive words to read to each other and get the mood soaked in seduction.
What critics have said about Clarissa’s poetry:
“…A delicious dance with words…”
“Impossible not to be aroused…”
“…mouth-watering feast of erotic rhyme…”
“…her words ebb and flow with a superb sensuousness.”
“5 Stars is just not enough for this exquisite work of erotic art”
78 Passionate poems of seduction are waiting for you to be devoured with lust and desire.
41Beautifully sensuous photographs have been included to heighten your visual experience with Ms. Clemens poetry.
A must-have for every couple looking for new ways to add the spark back into their flame.
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre - Erotic Poetry
Rating – R
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