Broken Pieces

Olga Soaje on Her Main Character, Amelia from Twelve Houses #Women #Contemporary #Fiction

Can you tell us about your main character?
Amelia is an almost sixty year old woman who suddenly becomes a widow and she cannot move beyond her grief, nothing seems to provide solace until a call from her estranged daughter sends her world spinning.

Did you learn anything from writing this book and what was it?
Yes, there is only one life to make the most of it, cherishing each moment.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
I hope as readers close the book they come to their own opinions, but mostly I would love for them to feel the message lives in them and inspires their life in some way.

Who designed your cover?
I loved that cover it conveys so much of the message from the book. It was brilliantly done by my friend and designer Rebeca Cuesta. The heart you see in the cover is from a painting done by my God-daughter Maria Jose Obregon.

Will you write others in this same genre?
Yes, it’s a genre that feels just right.

How do you promote this book?
I’m mainly doing blog tours and hoping it will get word of mouth by happy readers.

How much of the book is realistic?
The astrological parts in the book are real; I read on the subject and consulted with specialist in this area.

How long have you been writing?
I always loved to read and you could see me carry a book everywhere, but never considered writing until 2011 when the idea first appeared in my mind and it grew a life of itself and I began writing and needing to do it every day in it I found one of the great joys in my life.

Who is your favorite character in your book and why?
Oh my! This is a difficult question because I feel in love with so many of the characters in their virtues and flaws. But in my heart I guess with Amelia.

Do you read much and if so who are your favorite authors?
I love to read. There are many authors that are my favorite Vanessa Diffenbaugh, Paula McLain, Maria Semple among others.

What is your dream for your writing?
My deepest desire is that my writing touches and inspires the people who read my books.

Can anything good follow the best thing that ever happened to you?

Amelia Weiss loved her husband of thirty-five years very much, but now he’s left her a widow. Without him, she is unable to work in her sculpture studio without crying. She no longer has a bridge to her estranged daughter. And she can’t seem to keep her mind in the present.

But when her daughter reaches out asking for her help and her agent threatens a lawsuit if Amelia doesn’t deliver for an upcoming exhibit, she’s forced to make a choice. Will she reengage with her life and the people in it—allowing room for things to be different than they were before? Or, will she remain stuck in the past, choosing her memories over real-life relationships?

Thrust fully into the present, Amelia stumbles into a surprising journey of self-discovery.

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Genre – Contemporary Fiction, Literary Fiction, Women's Fiction
Rating – PG-13
More details about the author
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